Monday, January 12, 2015

Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat at Many Rivers~

Sat Nam Flow-ers! Happy New year 

We are proud to present an exciting Ayurvedic workshop/retreat. 
With 3 in depth and comprehensive classes, Saturday and Sunday February 7th and 8th!
You can just take one, or take them all (deal).  Register early to secure your spot. <3

Link to registration after descriptions below:

Healing with the 5 Elements: Ayurveda & Chakras
Sat Feb 7th 12:30-3pm – 2.5 hours
$50 or ($125 for full retreat)
Amanda and Teresa, special guests from Anchorage, will introduce and elaborate on two fundamental energy systems in healing, the Ayurvedic Doshic System & the Yogic Chakra System. Participants will take a quiz to learn more about their own unique energetic constitution as well as play a fun game exploring “dis-eases” of the body, imbalances, and means of healing. 

Ayurveda and Beauty Therapies
Sat Feb 7th 4:30-7:30 om
Let’s dedicate an evening to celebrate inner beauty and explore various ways to illuminate outer radiance. This segment of the Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat will include both lecture and play. Teachers Amanda and Teresa will share Ayurvedic wisdom that cultivates self-acceptance and self-confidence. A guided meditation including a beauty affirmation to develop a positive mental attitude towards our perceptions of beauty will also be shared. We will then “play” with our beauty at several Beauty Stations including; an Ayurvedic face lift, hand and foot abhyanga (massage), neti practice, oil-pulling, hair-play, and a brief dance to dissolve inhibitions in closing. Please bring a neti pot or email to purchase one before workshop. 
$50 or ($125 full retreat)

Winter Funk: Kapha Pacifying Yoga
Sunday Feb 8th1:30-3:30 pm
Amanda and Teresa will share a flower, an animal, and crystals that can help us through Kapha season or that “winter funkiness” we can slip into. This final segment of the Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat will utilize different pranayamas or breathing practices to stimulate our inner agni or fire as well as kapha pacifying asanas to open the heart, energize, and create joyfulness from within. Participants will be presented different partner and acro-yoga options at the end of class as well as a closing group meditation. 
$45 or ($125 full retreat!)

Register Now @:

Any questions, comments?- email:, and or,

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