Thursday, June 4, 2015

Community Yoga this Friday! Shiva with Joolee

All are welcome to the $5 Community Practice this Friday at Many Rivers 5;30-6:45pm

Taught by Joolee Aurand

Class description: Shiva
Dealer of Death and Destruction, King Dancer, or Dread-locked Mountain Dweller? 
Who IS this Shiva fellow, really? In the myths of India, deities have more knowledge and power than humans, but rather than being perfect, they've got limits and can be ambition or emotion-driven (kind of like us). Come move through some old-favorite asanas, as well as perhaps a less common few, as I share a version of the Shiva stories from which they originated.

Joolee's Bio:
A teacher training in Bali, with Santosha (which means 'contentment'), and another at Peaceful Valley Ashram in Pennsylvania, for Sampoorna (which means 'complete'), have formed the foundation of my octagonal yoga house. The eight limbs form the walls, and support the roof of asana practice. The structure is partially insulated with mythology, and I like to spend time gathering more material to add to the insulation. It's a cozy yoga house, but there's space for all, from beginners to experienced yogis, from those looking for rejuvenation to those seeking an energizing practice. The very best part of this yoga house are the frequent visits by brilliant and talented instructors with diverse styles and backgrounds, who always leave delicious tidbits behind, which become part of the fabric of the house. You are invited...come on in!

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